APC & Open Access License

Article Processing Charges (APC) & Fees

To support the costs of publication, a fee (Article Processing Charge) is typically paid by authors, their institutions, or funders. This ensures that your article is freely and permanently accessible to everyone upon publication. The standard fee is $2499, excluding taxes.

We are excited to announce a special offer:

Materials Chemistry Horizons will waive the APC for all submissions received by 31 May 2025, provided they are accepted for publication following peer review. This offer is available to all authors submitting their work by the deadline.

Article Publishing Charge Waiver & Discount Options

We follow the Research4Life program and apply Article Publishing Charge waivers or discounts for authors based in eligible Group A or B countries. A full waiver (100% APC waiver) will be applied when all authors are from Group A or B countries. No waiver or discount will be applied if there is a mix of authors from non-Research4Life countries and Group A or B countries.

Find out more about this program here.

Open Access Policy & Permissions:

Our journal operates on an immediate open access policy, enabling immediate, permanent, and unrestricted access for everyone to read, download, copy, and distribute articles. Under the CC BY 4.0 license, the reuse of any part of an article, including figures and tables, is permissible without special permission, as long as proper citation to the original article is provided.

 Note on Reuse of Materials:

Certain articles, such as Reviews, may contain figures, tables, or text sourced from other publications for which UniverSci Press does not hold copyright or re-licensing rights. It's recommended to inquire with the original copyright holder (usually the original publisher or authors) regarding reusing such materials.

Repository Policy

Materials Chemistry Horizons encourages authors to deposit versions of their work in institutional or other repositories of their choice. Our open access policy ensures that your research is freely available to a global audience. Authors are permitted to deposit any version of their work, including:

  • Preprint (submitted version before peer review)

  • Accepted Manuscript (peer-reviewed and accepted version)

  • Published Version (final, formatted version as it appears in the journal)

These versions can be deposited in institutional repositories, subject-specific repositories, or other repositories of their choice. There is no embargo period for depositing any version of the article in a repository.


UniverSci Press adopts the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) for published articles. This license allows others to use, distribute, and reproduce the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original author(s).


Author's (Contributor's) Rights:

Contributors retain copyright to their original work.


Authors' Agreement to Published Content (Open Access Publishing Agreement):

Authors are required to sign the Open Access Agreement electronically after review and acceptance of their manuscript to grant us the necessary rights for publication. By completing this form, authors confirm their awareness of and agreement with all article content, and consent to their name appearing on it.



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